Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Little Moments

There were a whole bunch of little reasons to whip out the phone and snap a picture today, but I'll start with last night. I gave myself a big ole mommy pat on the back for carrying on a game of Battleship with Amy, cooking burgers on the Foreman grill, AND holding a sniffly, clingy baby. Go me. 

Moving on to today. We had our chimney swept which was exciting, William and I made cookies, I made baked oatmeal and "opened up" our fourth pomegranate of the season, and finished up a couple of Christmas present paintings. Interject some box and cupboard hijinx and toss in a spontaneous post-school mall trip and that was our day. 

So, even though I constantly feel like I never get anything done, photographic evidence suggests a pretty full day. I think I need to realign my expectations. 

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