Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Cookies and a Car

I was a very busy baker today, churning out truffles (not pictured) walnut snowballs, chocolate spice cookies, macaroons, and anise drops. Still need to do the rolling cutting and baking for my favorite cookies, but otherwise I'm calling it all done. And I'm loving the cute airtight containers I found at Walmart. 

To top off a day spent in the kitchen, we went out and bought a car for D! We've been one-car-ing it since moving out here, with D doing a most impressive job of biking to work but the increasingly treacherous weather worries me and it seemed like the time was right. Enter a nice little used Subaru for a very small sum and it was a done deal. Merry Christmas indeed! 

1 comment:

  1. The cookies look beautiful!! I'm so impressed! I only managed to churn out one batch for L's school this year.

    I remember the days when M used to bike to work... one time in the snow! Always a bit nerve-wracking for me. Congrats on the new wheels; that must be so great!!

    Merry Christmas to you all...
