Friday, May 2, 2014

This Moment

One of the first blogs I ever found remains one of my favorite, and every Friday Amanda Soule posts a "this moment" picture to wrap up her week. Her photos are lovely and speak for themselves. Mine are not nearly so, and therefore require much narration: 

Caroline finally has herself a walker. I had to hunt around to find the same model I had for Amy and William but had long ago given away. It was worth the hunt, because I've found there's a lot of poorly conceived and/or poorly constructed baby equipment out there. Anyway, she likes it. And that afternoon all A&W wanted to do was sit next to C while she played. The agreed that they were all playing a game, and that the game involved being on a ship... or a plane... or a spaceship. Caroline was the pilot, but that's where the agreement ended. Amy wanted to be the co-pilot/gunner and suggested that William be the flight attendant, but as you can imagine, that didn't go over very well. I just walked away. 

But that moment kinda sums up how things have been lately. I feel like we are all really on top of each other. Amy is pulling ahead of William a bit right now and waffles between being Miss Cool-School-Big-Girl-Bossy-Pants and being the playmate and sister to William that he would like her to be. William has been needing way more in the way of entertainment during the day, of which I seem to be in short supply. Caroline is adorable and happy and way patient, and I feel like I never get enough time to simply dote on her. And then everyone wants my attention to his or her cause. At the same time. From about 3-8 pm daily. By bedtime I am pretty much done and it takes huge amounts of self-control to stay cheery and positive and not spend the last half hour of everyone's day yelling.

But of course, there are plenty of wonderful moments in our days, and truly I continue to enjoy the company of my kiddos, and most of my personal frustration comes from the feeling that I can't make everyone happy all the time. And also have a clean house. But that's another story. 

We have just over a month left before our move. I am going to try to make this month be another blog-a-day challenge month for myself, so that moments like this one from last week don't slip under the radar: 

There really is much good in our days. 

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