Saturday, May 18, 2013

In No Particular Order...

Oh my, I finally uploaded pictures (just the ones on my phone) and realized I have plenty of blog-worthy material to catch up on.  I've been very delinquent. So before I get further behind, here is tonight's stream-of-consciousness-supplemented-with-available-photos, in no particular order.


This was my Mother's Day "moment."  I don't need much, honestly, and I would much rather have an ordinary day enjoying the pleasure of routine than anything fancy or special. Really.  But it was an awfully nice day, and about mid-afternoon, rather than just shaving off a sliver of the chocolate cake as I passed through the kitchen, I cut myself an honest-to-goodness piece, fixed a cup of tea, and sat down with the pretty flowers Don got me and enjoyed it all.  It was very nice.  And I don't usually do a lot of recipe stuff here, but someday I need to share that chocolate cake recipe, because it is the only one you'll ever need, ever. 


I don't even remember taking the above sequence of pictures, but seeing them made me smile. I don't often get both cats in the same picture.  Ollie is on my List this week because he bit into the top of my toothpaste tube and now it makes a "pffff" every time I squeeze it.  Humphrey and I shared the pleasure of me administering oral antibiotics to him... twice daily for nearly three weeks - ug! Still not sure it was totally necessary, but he seems fine/better, and I'm glad that's behind us. 


Both kids got haircuts (and lollipops) yesterday.  William was very proud of himself for not crying.  I was awfully relieved, too.  He had made me promise that she wouldn't use the Buzzer, which apparently has been the source of his terror.  That seemed to make the ordeal bearable. We had some time to kill between haircuts and dance class so we goofed around in the car taking pictures: 


This pretty girl is looking (and acting) soooo grown up lately.  Crazy stuff.  And in minor-milestone news, she finally outgrew the harness portion of her car seat, so we took the straps out and it is now just a booster.  She's still not a full 40 pounds, but at five and a half she's certainly old enough and tall enough for more big-girl travel accomodations.


This boy is going to be THREE years old in a matter of days and is trying his hardest to be a big kid, too.  He's my baby one minute, and Mr. Independent the next.  And while he won't touch vegetables on his plate, he's taken to eating the lettuce we're growing in the garden like a rabbit and even eats whole leaves of basil, also plucked straight from the garden.  Go figure. 

These several weeks have been particularly busy and tiring because we are in "wrap-up" mode - Amy has only one day of preschool left and today was her dance recital.  She did well enough with it last year, but this year she was beyond excited and had the most awesome smile on her face through the whole performance.  At the end, the teachers call each girl up to get a medal and take a bow, and I am forever grateful that I caught this picture: 


There are some other cute ones of her dancing with her class, but I don't feel it's right to share photos of other people's kids, so I'll just leave it at that.  

I'll check back in soon, probably with an equally random assortment of moments from our little world here.  See you then! 

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