The kids and I stepped outside after dinner tonight. It is so light now, it's hard to make bedtime feel like bedtime. I needed to water a bit, so while they ran out some evening energy I just poked around to see how things were growing.
Last year Amy saw grapevines at Lowe's and desperately wanted to plant one. I doubted that it would ever yield, but grapevines have a special place in my heart, when I think of the one at the back of the garden at home, mercilessly whacked back every year to keep it from shading the vegetables. I'm quite sure it was transplanted once or twice. It is as least as old as I am, and no matter what is done to it, it always comes back - mightily. So I indulged Amy and we bought a grapevine of our own.
Last season it did reasonably well in the ground - gangly, a bit insect-ridden by end of summer, but a respectable plant. However, I grew a little tired of its viney-ness which seemed out of place near our front door, in an otherwise landscaped front garden. At some point during the winter I cut it back, dug it out in a fury, severing countless thick roots, and plunked it in a large planter without too much concern as to whether it would like it or not.
Well apparently it likes it just fine, because it is absolutely thriving this year. Doesn't seem to dry out too quickly and its growth is more even and vigorous than last year. And tonight I could hardly believe my eyes when I discovered:
One little cluster of about 5 or so tiny green grapes. Never ever have I known a home-grown grapevine to actually bear fruit! I am so excited. We're going to be away for a short bit; I really hope we don't miss them when they are ready to pick. I hope this grapevine lasts long enough to get planted in our forever home someday, and that it doesn't mind too much being a nomad in the meantime. I'd say it is happy so far.