I'm so terribly behind!!

We've long ago decided that this is going to be a low-budget and fairly simple Christmas, gift-wise, so it's not like I have tons of shopping to do, but somehow it's December 10th and I feel like the Christmas-prep train is leaving the station without me.
October and November (months during which I would normally be getting things organized and getting handmade projects underway) were spent feeling rather ill, quite tired, and generally lacking in enthusiasm. The last week or so of November brought big improvement, but also took us to Connecticut for Thanksgiving with Don's family and then a bonus week spent at my parents' house. While it was a wonderful getaway and much-needed change of scenery, two weeks away at this time of year made for a major seasonal time warp.
But enough excuses. With two weeks to work with I must get Christmas cards in the mail, borrow my friend's sewing machine to churn out a few quick (I hope) presents, spend some time with my crochet hook, place a few strategic online orders, finish with the tree and other decorations, and do some baking (I'm most looking forward to that). Oh, and then get ready for yet another trip north the week after Christmas!
Tomorrow I will finish with my post-vacation housekeeping and general catch-up and then be ready to put my elf hat on and start feeling festive. That's the plan, anyway.
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