Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Catching Up (Again)

Goooooodness, where does the time go? I'm sorry, I'm always saying that. But it is always amazing how much can go on in between the time I update this little blog. And it is important to me to keep up with it. So here's a quick tour through recent goings-on, based on what is on my camera roll. 

Rainy season has arrived. A couple weeks ago, before it turned cold, the kids dug a gigantic hole in the backyard. Really impressive. Lots of mud. Patched up now. Fun while it lasted. 


This girl can talk me into anything, including the purchase of this large bag of play balls. 


How did I miss mentioning that my big girl turned EIGHT at the beginning of the month? 


She is growing into such a lovely young lady and makes me a very proud Mommy. 

And then there is my handsome boy, looking very grown-up in his own right with his earth tones and the hat I made him last Christmas. 

Oh, and here's one of the things he really wants for Christmas: 

Which is a problem given my dislike for gigantic plastic toys, but he keeps mentioning it so Santa will consider. 


Have I mentioned C's love of painting these days? She gets her paints out almost every day. Needs a little help but not much. Knows all her colors. Likes to paint "moons" and imitates the little brush-spinning motion I do when I paint them for her. 

Back to A, who had two baby teeth pulled on Friday. They weren't coming out on their own though the adult teeth had cut through. She was a trooper and handled the whole thing very well, with the help of just a bit of laughing gas. I was very relieved it was a good experience for her. 

I've been spending lots of time lately making lots of lists, menu planning and to-do's and grocery lists. Humphrey likes to help. 


Feeling huger by the day and crossing things off my list like a crazy woman in hopes that I can feel ready for baby. I'm kinda hoping he might come at the end of this week so I can be home next week to enjoy TG and my parents' visit. I'll keep you posted! 

And in closing, this great picture Don took of W and C, on a walk around the neighborhood last Sunday in between bursts of rain. Love, love, love. 

Pardon the short sentences; seems to be how I am thinking these days. Busy, lovely times and so excited for our next big event! Till then! 

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