Friday, October 15, 2010

Fun With Scissors

So, when it rains, it pours. I can dither around for weeks with nothing interesting to blog about, nothing accomplished in the day besides the ordinary, and generally not feeling terribly creative. Then something clicks and all of the sudden I find myself on a roll with loads of inspiration and lots to share. This has become one of those weeks.

In the last three days William seems to have realized how much better he feels if he takes longer naps. I've been telling him this for months but he's been a serial catnapper ever since he outgrew the drowsy newborn phase. I hate to even write about it for fear of jinxing the trend, but in general there has been much improvement. That, plus a couple of days without wheels and Amy and I found ourselves with lots of time to really have fun together on projects at home.

It all started when I was cutting out pattern pieces for her Halloween costume. I stepped out of the room for a moment and then heard "Mommy I'm snipping!"... uh oh! No harm done, but I remembered that I had some kiddie scissors tucked away for her and thought she might be ready to give them a try. We got out the construction paper and got to snipping... which evolved into me cutting out jack-o-lanterns and other "Halloween" shapes to decorate our front window. We had a blast working on this together! The usual suspects are all here.... cats, pumpkins, ghosts, leaves, a forest, full moon, bats...

... and of course what Halloween vignette is complete without a) a beaver or b) an octopus?

The next day, to continue the "snipping" theme, I gave Amy a spur-of-the-moment haircut. I had my own hair cut earlier in the week and asked Amy if she wanted to go to the salon soon too. No, no, no, said my girl, but she was quite happy to play beauty parlor in the comfort of her own room.

And I think she looks so cute and trendy and grown up now! Not bad for my first attempt, if I do say... though I did follow her around with scissors for the rest of the afternoon, tidying up some stray ends.

That, plus some better fitting clothes and shoes and she finally looks like the big girl that she is.

And lastly, the other big project of the week has been working on Amy's costume. I'm not telling what she is going to be, and it obviously involves a fancy purple dress, but I want to see it all come together and then share the whole thing at once. I will say that I'm proud of my girl for coming up with something other than just "a princess"... like EVERY other preschool girl out there.

Anyway, I've been working on this one in the evening when I can work "reasonably" undisturbed. Except for, ehem, the darn cats... I love my kitties, I really do, but the two of them could not be more of a pain when it comes to sewing. Holy cow. Ollie couldn't stop knocking off the pattern weights, and Juliett kept trying to get cozy on top of everything. I almost sent them to the garage... but they are pretty cute so they get a pass. For now.

And in closing, one more cutie...

... and with that, wishing you all a lovely fall weekend!

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