... an upcoming addition to our family!
Officially out of my first trimester, and with the Thanksgiving season upon us, it seems like the time is right to finally "go public" with our big news. My hands are shaking a bit as I type this, as making a whole-hearted announcement makes this really real.
For any who don't know, I had a miscarriage this spring. While it was the type of miscarriage that was simply a "luck of the draw" situation it still made me quite reserved about this pregnancy. But with two doctor's visits under my belt and a couple of glimpses of that tiny heartbeat and rapidly growing little body I think I can feel okay. Prayers will still be welcome for the next six months! (Oh wait, better make that the next 18 years...)
Anyway, my due date is May 26th, right around Don's birthday. My first trimester brought the classic complaints of fatigue and nausea, but I am finally getting some energy back and feeling more and more like myself, and any nausea has retreated to the very end of the day. The picture above is from my 10-week ultrasound.
So we have lots and lots to be thankful for this Thanksgiving! Here's wishing you all a wonderful holiday surrounded by family and everything you are thankful for.